Reframing Stress

Kathy offers workshops and webinars, with practical knowledge and tools to deal with stress effectively. Workshops are conducted in smaller groups as to enable better connection and more participation.
Kathy’s Reframing Stress offering is based on research to shift beliefs about stress. Research shows that our beliefs about stress affect our health, our happiness and our life expectancy. By shifting beliefs, we adjust behavior and can create new ways of responding to obstacles. 
Imagine having a great day at work, feeling energized by the deadlines and opportunities in front of you. Imagine being a calm and patient parent, able to listen to your children and give them the best of yourself. You can be the best version of yourself if you learn how to transform stress into your ally.
Kathy empowers participants in leveraging the knowledge and tools she offers to thrive in response to life’s challenges. Adversity is a given but how we respond to it can be changed once we know how to use stress as fuel. Contact Kathy to find out how she can create a new set of beliefs for you and your team that set you up for success.
Contact Kathy today for workshop and webinar rates and availability.